Personal and Home Care Aide State Training (PHCAST)

Are you looking for a job that is flexible? Become a home care professional!

You can become a Home Care Aide for free through the online Personal and Home Care Aide State Training (PHCAST), provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The courses can be completed when you want, where you want.

“This program is put together so nicely and as a new homemaker, I'm happy to say I can't wait to start working!!"

PHCAST Training Graduate

What is a Home Care Aide?

Home Care Aides are a key part of the home care team. Home Care Aides support older adults so they can live comfortably in their homes and communities. There are several different types of Home Care Aides:

  • Homemakers help with shopping, cooking, laundry, and tasks around the home like cleaning, doing dishes, and vacuuming.
  • Personal Care Homemakers do hands-on work. They help with bathing, dressing, hair care, and getting around.
An older white woman sits at the kitchen table and her home care aide, a younger Black woman with a tattoo, brings her a meal.

Home Care Aide Career Opportunities

According to the United States Government, Home Care Aides are one of the fastest growing jobs in the country!

Start with our Homemaker Course. Then, take the additional training to become a Personal Care Homemaker to learn about hands-on care. From there, you can explore these pathways and pursue other jobs in the field.

"I hope to someday go from homemaker to a Licensed Practitioner Nurse."

PHCAST Homemaker Training Graduate
Career Paths for Homemakers and Personal Care HomemakersEmployees within these paths have opportunities to transition between paths depending on interest, skills, and experience.TransferTransferTransferTransferSkillsSkillsSkillsSkillsCAREERPATHS FORHOMEMAKERS &PERSONAL CAREHOMEMAKERSDIRECT CAREHome Health AideSupportive Home Care AideCertified Nursing AssistantHospice AideMANAGEMENT / LEADERSHIPHome Health AideProvider CoordinatorManagerOwnerMEDICAL /HEALTHMedical Social WorkerLicensed Practical NurseRegistered NurseSOCIAL SUPPORT SERVICESCase ManagerSocial WorkerSupervisor / ManagerDirectorSkills learned through PHCAST are transferrable across industries and sectors.

Sign Up for PHCAST

Are you ready for a new job? Choose one of the following courses. Pick the course that best matches your skills and interests. All courses are free to Massachusetts residents.

Select the language you'd like to learn in. All courses are available in English, Spanish, and Haitian-Creole.

To register, you need:

  • Access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone with speakers and internet.
  • A valid email address

Homemaker Course

This course teaches you how to communicate, work with consumers, and safely prepare meals. You will receive a Certificate of Completion for finishing the course!

Select the course from the list below that best matches your professional experience. Please read the descriptions carefully and enroll in only one course. Note: Each course has the same content.

For New Professionals

This course is for anyone who is new to the field and interested in pursuing a career as a Homemaker.


For Experienced Professionals

This course is for professionals who have prior experience as a Homemaker and would like to refresh or build their skills and knowledge.


For Informal Caregivers

This course is for anyone who is interested in supporting a family or friend as their homemaker.


Personal Care Homemaker Course

This course builds on the skills and knowledge of the Homemaker training and prepares you to support individuals with hands-on care, such as dressing, bathing, hair care, and mobility. You will receive a Certificate of Completion for finishing the course!

Select the course from the list below that best matches your professional experience. Please read the descriptions carefully and enroll in only one course. Note: Each course has the same content.

Please Note: You must take the Homemaker training before taking this course. You can take the Homemaker training in-person or online.

For New Professionals

This course is for anyone who is new to the field of home health care and interested in pursuing a career as a Personal Care Homemaker.


For Experienced Professionals

This course is for professionals who have prior experience as a Personal Care Homemaker and would like to refresh or build their skills and knowledge.


For Informal Caregivers

This course is for anyone who is interested in supporting a family or friend as their personal care homemaker.


For Employers: Is PHCAST right for my staff?

Whether your staff are new to the field or just need a refresher, PHCAST can meet your needs. PHCAST has all the information your staff need to feel confident, knowledgeable, and ready to work safely as a Home Care Aide.

Our PHCAST curriculum helps your staff learn about the roles and responsibilities of a Home Care Aide, including skills like active listening, nutrition planning, housekeeping, working with consumers, recognizing abuse and neglect, handling emergency situations, and more.

For the New Homemaker Course, your staff can complete the 11 online modules at their own pace, outside of work.

If they want to expand their skillset from the Homemaker Course, the next step is the Personal Care Homemaker Course, which builds on the knowledge gained in the Homemaker course. The Personal Care Homemaker Course is a 7-module online course. As part of the Personal Care Homemaker Course, your staff must also complete a 10-hour hands-on training with a Registered Nurse who does Personal Care Homemaker training.

An employer, an east Asian woman at her desk, is speaking with another employer, an older east Asian woman standing next to her.

“Flexibility is the biggest benefit [for my staff]. They can do [the training] on their own time and don't have to take the time out of work. The second biggest benefit is a boost in their self-esteem”

Employer, Deborah H.

Spread the Word!

Do you work with job seekers in Massachusetts?

Please share our training with your networks! Our PHCAST Communications and Outreach Toolkit includes information about the Personal and Home Care Aide State Training:

  • Sample social media messages to share with your followers
  • Printable flyers to display in your offices
  • Sample blog/newsletter language to share with your audience
Two east Asian women are sitting at a table making crafts together. One woman is an older adult, and the other woman is her home care aide.

“I greatly appreciate that not only is the consumer important to the company that I work for, but I'm also important. I'm grateful for this course because it taught me the skills I needed to do my job.”

Employee who took PHCAST training
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